Weed of the Month- Feb 2019


(Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp monilifera)

(Flower Image from https://keyserver.lucidcentral.org/weeds/data/media/Images/ chrysanthemoides_monilifera_subsp._monilifera /chrysanthemoidesmoniliferamonilifera8.jpg, sighted 3-1-2019; seedling and seed, C. Schultz, Cape Jervis)

We featured this South African incomer a few years ago, but given its preponderance around SA, we thought it was time to remind everyone of it…small plants are easy to hand pull, big ones set seed too fast! Hence it is good to be able to identify it quickly and eradicate, before it becomes too widespread in your area. This is a Weed of National Significance: “It is regarded as one of the worst weeds in Australia because of its invasiveness, potential for spread, and economic and environmental impacts.”[1] Boneseed is aggressive and fast growing, degrading local bushland and hence food sources for native animals. It thrives on nutrient-poor soils, including coastal regions. Any wonder it likes Cape Jervis?

Look for an erect bright green shrub, with leaves having serrated margins. The daisy-type flowers are yellow, with 4–8 petals. It’s no wonder the species survives so well, when one plant can produce thousands of seeds, which can remain viable for more than 10 years!

See http://weeds.ala.org.au/WoNS/bitoubush/ for management plans for both boneseed and its close relative (and companion in weed-crime), bitou bush.

[1] http://www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/invasive/weeds/publications/guidelines/wons/c-monilifera-monilifera.html