Plant of the Month – September 2015


(Eucalyptus gracilis)

(Photos: C. Schultz, leaves and buds; flowers; Cape Jervis )

Although the yorrell is common in SA, we only know of a handful around Cape Jervis … and these are much smaller than ones growing elsewhere (2-3 metres, vs 8-15 metres). Once again, the harsh soils and wild, windy weather at the Cape have worked together to reduce the size of the local specimens. The multiple trunks shed their bark in short ribbons higher up, exposing smooth white wood; lower down the bark persists like a collar around the base. Leaves are long and narrow, hairless, often glossy, sometimes with a red margin. Each of the up to seven white flowers in a cluster have two rows of stamens, and no petals. Their buds are smooth with a cap shorter than the base part, while the gumnuts are barrel-shaped. ‘Gracilis’ means slender or graceful, describing the habit of the yorrell beautifully.

Weed of the Month – September 2015


(Solanum nigrum)


(Photos: E. Cousins, plant, cluster of young fruit)

Known by many other names such as black nightshade, this erect, bushy weed is well-known to many of us, because it spreads so easily on roadsides, waste ground, cracked footpaths etc. It is native to a band of countries from Morocco to India. Don’t confuse this weed with deadly nightshade (Altropa belladonna). Blackberry nightshade has pendant clusters of white flowers (with a hint of purple) and slightly hairy leaves. The flowers of deadly nightshade are individual. Leaves are a dull green, also with a purplish tinge. The fruit are dull green when young (see photo), but darken to a dull purple later. See the way the 5 little sepals (leaf like tissue surrounding the flower) sit apart on the top of the fruit? This helps distinguish this solanum from others.

Carolyn’s Corner – August 2015

The coastal display garden at the start of the Heysen trail is taking shape. What a change a few months can make. Thanks to the team from District Council of Yankalilla for installing the new bench and cutting the walking paths through “the lower loop”. Support from the AMLR-NRM helps us keep on top of the weeds and propagate and buy our seedlings. Our small group of volunteers, together with the green army, planted 900 seedlings this year! Thanks everyone who helped. The only disappointment was how dry the soil was so we had to lug water in 10L containers to give the seedlings a drink. We are very pleased for all the rain in late June and mid July. We’ve learnt a lot in our 3 years about how critical watering and hand weeding is for survival, especially on the sandy lower loop. If you want to know more about the plants we are growing or the weeds we are removing, give us a ring or come out and join us at one of our working bees!

Lower loop paths after the planting. A well earned rest at the new picnic table.

 We welcome new volunteers.  Contact Carolyn Schultz 0423 213 481.

Plant of the Month – August 2015


(Pomaderris paniculosa ssp. paniculosa)


(Photos: E. Cousins, habitat at Cape Jervis, a pomaderris behind hibbertia;, close-up of leaf stem )

This waist high shrub is one of the hardy survivors around Cape Jervis. It can grow in windy coastal locations as well as woodland and mallee, and doesn’t mind rocky ground. Despite this, the shrub is now extinct in NSW, and endangered in Victoria. The dull green, oval-shaped leaves are about 1 cm long, and look furry. This is because of fine white hairs along and below the leaf edges. The hairs on raised veins, the younger stems and buds look rusty, giving a brown-green look to the shrub. Little flower buds occur in loose hanging clusters (see third photo above), and the tiny 3 mm flowers that follow the buds are yellow; look for these shortly in spring!

Weed of the Month – August 2015


(Piptatherum miliaceum)


(Photos: E. Cousins, plant, seed head;

This perennial grass can be recognized by its long, wiry stems. These stems can be up to 1.5 metres tall, and are segmented, looking very much like bamboo! Whereas the leaf-sheaf is smooth, the leaf-blade surface is ‘scaberous’ (rough, as if it is covered with scabs). The plant occurs as a loosely tufted clump. As can be seen from the second photo, the seed stem has several spirals of branches; branches in turn divide into secondary branches which bear clusters of the grass flowers. Green/purple flowers then seeds appear over summer and autumn. Originally from Eurasia, this grass is now fairly widely distributed over the bottom half of Australia. It likes disturbed sites, and has frequently spread from plantings used to stabilise mine dumps, etc.

Plant of the Month – July 2015


(Hibbertia pallidiflora)

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(Photos: E. Cousins; growth habit; leaves and flowers; size of flower compared to a fingertip)

Because of the strong salt winds around Cape Jervis and the dry summers, plants have to be tough to survive there. Many are consequently very tiny, such as the little hibbertia shown here. This rare little plant likes the limestone around the Fleurieu. The bush itself is small and compact, growing to only about 20cm high at Cape Jervis. The leaves are rounder than those of other hibbertias, with Because of the strong salt winds around Cape Jervis and the dry summers, plants have to be tough to survive there. Many are consequently very tiny, such as the little hibbertia shown here. This rare little plant likes the limestone around the Fleurieu. The bush itself is small and compact, growing to only about 20cm high at Cape Jervis. The leaves are rounder than those of other hibbertias, with star-shaped hairs underneath. The flowers, carried on long stalks, are cup-shaped and do not open out very much. They tend to hang down (see the middle photo). You can see how tiny the flowers are, from the photo showing the flower and a fingertip!

Weed of the Month – July 2015


(Langunaria patersonia)

(Photos: E. Cousins, Cape Jervis; tree, seed pod, leaf)

This is a weed in the Marino Conservation Park, and in other coastal cliff top regions. Although not common at Cape Jervis, it does occur. Look out for trees 12-20m tall, with dense, glossy grey-green foliage. In spring and summer, 5cm hibiscus-shaped pink flowers appear at the leaf axils (that is, in the angle between the upper surface of the leaf and the stem). Fuzzy capsules follow the flowers; these contain orange seeds and fine, white hairs that irritate the skin, leading to another common name: the itchy bomb tree! It likes well-drained soil, sunny positions, and doesn’t object to salt spray, so has been planted in coastal gardens from which seeds then escaped! Watch out for it on the Fleurieu.

Plant of the Month – June 2015


(Dianella revoluta)


(Photos: E. Cousins; growth habit; flowers and buds)

You can see from the pictures above why this plant is commonly called the black-anther flax lily: those pretty blue flowers have black stamens, with an orangey-yellow base to them. The plant grows about shin high, with very stiff, blue-green leaves which fold together at their base. You are most likely to see the flowers in spring and early summer. The wiry flower spikes sit above the leaves, to about knee high at Cape Jervis. There are several branches per spike, and several flowers per branch, with one flower on a branch opening per day. The six flower petals bend backwards, ‘reflexed’. After the flowers, you get pretty dark-blue seed pods. Adaptable to most soil types, the plants are also hardy, and can produce quite large clumps over a period of time, making them a very useful garden plant.

Weed of the Month – June 2015


(Diplotaxis tenuifolia)

(Photos: E. Cousins; Cape Jervis)

We recently found this declared weed on a hillside at Cape Jervis, while we were looking for Lemon Beauty Heads. Lincoln Weed is an erect plant with dark green leaves and yellow flowers. The flowers have four short rounded petals (about 1cm in length); they occur in small clusters at the end of the flower stems. The dark green leaves occur on the lower stems. They are shaped like a lance, with lower leaves often having several lobes. If you crush the leaves, you might recognize the aroma…the plant is a member of the mustard family. Though versions of rocket are used in salads aplenty these days, this one has been reported as being toxic to stock. It reproduces both from seed and by branching from its long taproot, which needs to be removed if you are hand weeding.

Plant of the month – May 2015


(Scaevola albida)

(Photos: E. Cousins; plant amongst others, flowers)

Though this plant can grow upwards, we normally see it as a prostrate shrub around Cape Jervis, growing only to about shin high. Although the name would suggest the flowers are white, they actually vary and are normally more blue than white around Cape Jervis. And no, they haven’t all been eaten by snails, leaving just half a flower! This lopsided flower shape is what makes fanflowers easy to identify: the petals only grow on one half, like a fan or a hand. The oval leaves are bright green, and like the flower colour, can vary in look: they will be smooth or hairy. Look for the flowers in spring. It really is a pretty little plant.